How to make your kid listen to you?

Mar 20, 2023
  • Do you often face hardship in building strong relationships with your child?
  • Do you often wonder why your kid doesn’t listen to you?
  • Does it stress you out that no matter how much you try your child does not have a strong bond with you?

A simple solution to these questions is just two words: BEST FRIEND.

Yes! You’ll have to be your child’s best friend.

As a best friend, your child will come to you and share every good or bad day they have. When you are best friends with your child, you create a space of comfort, security, warmth, and trust for your kid.

You might ask "Wouldn’t a child become more demanding after seeing their parents as their best friends?"

The answer is No!

As your child gets space and loves you as his/her best friend, he/she listens to you more. They become closer to you and listen to every piece of advice you give them. Why? Because you are his/her best friend.

As a parent, you are always told to discipline your child. But does it always work? No, right?

As a parent, you will not discipline your child. Instead, they will discipline themselves and you can do this by being their best friend.

For example, your child demands 10 candies a day. If you scold them and blame them, you push your child away from you. If he/she doesn’t get candy from you, they will go outside to ask friends or buy themselves. This happens because you scolded them and he/she doesn’t understand the consequences.

Remember, wanting more candies won't make them bad kids, but blaming them will.

Hence, instead of scolding them for asking for more candies, explain what will happen if he/she eats 10 candies a day. Give them suggestions and explain the consequences of this action which are too many cavities and degraded teeth. Let them know they must face cavities, not mom and dad.

You don’t have to scold them to discipline them.

Children are smarter than you think.

Make sure they know the good and bad of a particular situation and that they will be responsible for their actions. Give them a situation and let them handle the problems themselves. You will be surprised by their smart answers.

Usually, children from 0-7 years need a different kind of care, as do children from 7-14 years and 14-21 years. You cannot apply the same methods to every group.

  • Are you treating your 7-year-old and 14-year-old the same?
  • Want to know the methods for each child's age group?

Feel free to message me to find the solutions to all of your childrearing challenges. All I need is your 30 minutes and commitment.

With love ❤️

Thida Aung

Mar 20, 2023 (Monday)

P.S: If you like this article, share it with people you love. 🌸🥰
Thida Aung

Founder & Head Educator of TDA Life Education. Thida sees relationships as the center of every area in life, from failure to success, from happiness to fulfillment.

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