Consultation Packages


Often, what brings you an enormous result is not learning new things but realizing and then unlearning what stops you from being who you are at present. We call it 'blind spot' and the more blind spots you find, the more life-changing breakthroughs you experience in life.

One-on-One consultations are designed to fill in your specific needs and are supported by diverse assignments and practical tools to deal with your daily challenges. Our Educators are experts in relationships, inner well-being, parenting, young people counseling, self-leadership, executive coaching, own business development and women empowerment. Consultation is available in bilingual: Burmese and English languages.

Discovery Time

Discovery Time is best for those who need a third person with professional eyes to help them make their decisions. It's also the fastest approach to get first-hand experience with your Educator's consultation style before giving your commitment to package services.

Q&A approach on one topic
Duration: 1 hour
Platform: Zoom
Language: Burmese, English
What you can expect: Dedicated listening and advice.

Private Consultation

If you are ready to take your life to the next level, Private Consultation is the perfect consultation package for you to complete your past and experience self-expression, aliveness, and freedom you have never felt before. Simply put, you will be introduced and worked with transformation-based consultation that helps you reach from A to B in any specific area of your life.

Coaching: 10 sessions
Valid duration: 3 months
Topic: One area focused
Platform: Zoom
Language: Burmese, English
What you can expect: Flexible time, full attention, customized coaching, personalized action plan, tools & techniques, and practical assignments.
Results: Visible transformation in the chosen area, self-management, efficient performance, and peak productivity.
Bonus: 1 month of follow-up messenger support
Book for first session

Transformational Coaching

If you are someone who is eager to meet every goal set in your life, this Transformation Coaching package is for you. Through this transformation-based coaching which is available within 6 months in flexible sessions, you will experience lifetime breakthroughs in every area of your life. Also, at the end of the coaching sessions, you will be equipped with practical tools to handle any situation and create everything you want powerfully.

Coaching: Flexible sessions
Valid duration: 6 months
Topic: Any areas you have concerns
Platform: Zoom
Language: Burmese, English
What you can expect: 20+ coaching sessions (work around your schedule), personalized action plan, customized coaching, tools & techniques with guidance, and practical assignments.
Results: Self-leadership, ability to lead and empower others, peace of mind under any situation, your life works 100%.
Bonus: 3 months of follow-up messenger support

Areas Most People Have Concerns in Life

Which relationship do you want to work on?

Romantic relationship? Family relationship? Workplace relationship? Or, relationship with yourself? Whatever relationship it is, if you want your relationship to be alive and joyful, you can design it by taking 100% responsibility.

  • I want to have a relationship but I am not good enough or don’t have the confidence to go for it.
  • My relationship with my loved ones is not happening the way I want to. I need help or some suggestions.
  • I want my partner to listen to me more.
  • I am afraid of having another relationship because I cannot trust men/women.
  • How can I be excited, loved, and happy with my relationship like I used to be?

If you are talking similar above-mentioned conversation to yourself and ready to take 100% responsibility, you are able to create relationship in the way you want. My question is, “Are you committed now?”

For Whom?

  • People who resign to any type of relationships.
  • People who think they have neither good communication skill nor get along with others.
  • People who are committed to having a great relationship with their partner but don’t know how to do so.
  • People who want intimacy between loved ones.


  • Freedom from fear
  • Completing the past
  • Gaining trust
  • Love and intimacy
  • Self-image growth

"Perfect parents are boring, Mom." (Rick Rivkin, 10 years old)

Children can absorb the language and read the situation depending on their ages. The remarkable developmental milestones are Toddler (under 3), Early Childhood (3-7), Pre-Teen (8-12), and Teenager (13-18). What they learn during these ages usually sticks with them and shapes them who they are in whole life.

No matter you are first-time parents or experienced one, most of the times, parents worry if they are doing the right thing or blame themselves for not giving the best to their children.

Ask yourself, "Which role do you want to have with your kid? Based on love or concern?"

For Whom?

  • Parents who feel useless around children.
  • Parents who hold guilt.
  • Parents who feel helpless and hopeless (don’t know what to do and how to communicate with children).
  • Parents who have too many things to do and too much stress (concern and worry about little things).
  • Parents who can’t make rules around the house.
  • Parents who have children no listening to them.


  • Freedom from stress
  • Building powerful communication
  • Being loving parents
  • Creating a beautiful happy home
  • Gaining trust

Happiness starts with you!

Not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money, but with you!

If you feel disempowered by being a single mother or single father or challenged by your unfulfilled or unfaithful marriage, don't let it drain your vitality. You are bigger than you think.

For Whom?

  • People who don’t know what to do next and stuck with current situation.
  • People who don’t feel self-worth or value.
  • People who are committed to marriage and feeling missing.
  • People who feel losing energy.
  • People who have lost happiness.


  • Forgiveness and completing the past
  • Living with choice in life
  • Clarity of your desires
  • Feeling blissful and being happy
  • Self-aliveness
  • Love and intimacy

Let the mind works for you, not control you.

You cannot stop the mind from not having the mind, but you can watch the mind where it goes.

Which mental support are you looking for? Anxiety and depression? Freedom from fear? Stress-free zone? Or, how to live in the moment? We're here for you.

For Whom?

  • People who feel lonely.
  • People who can’t control anger.
  • People who feel sad and empty.
  • People who have resigned to life.
  • People who live in the past with guilt.
  • People who concern when the lifestyle got changed.
  • People who have too much thinking, living in negative thoughts and emotions.


  • Spirituality
  • Awareness
  • Inner peace
  • Less reactions
  • Self-forgiveness
  • Self-consciousness
  • Sound sleep every night
  • Living in the present moment
  • Able to manage thoughts and emotions

Leadership is born with you.

Most people have the qualities of being a leader, but they don’t become one in their lifetime. Because they worry what others are saying about them.

The advantage of taking responsibility is that you can take the risk in life, at least you can afford it. The struggles you go through and the challenges you face today will become your experience and asset tomorrow. Give your 100%, be it career building, practicing ownership, discovering your identity & label, or convincing your clients. You are your own creator.

For Whom?

  • People who feel small.
  • People who feel useless.
  • People who feel no energy.
  • People who feel depressed.
  • People who feel lost or stuck.
  • People who have concern about life.
  • People who don’t know what they want in life.
  • People who feel no one cares or listens to them.


  • Self-confidence
  • Clarity and focus
  • Living a successful life
  • Free from worry and anxiety
  • Live the life as possibilities
  • See life as a journey, not a destination.
  • No confusion, no competition, no comparison

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