Debunking the Myths about Self-Love

Feb 28, 2023

Most people today have changed the definition of self-love on social media.

Self-love is shown to be more like purchasing expensive items and having a skincare routine but the definition of self-love is not superficial, it has deep meanings.

Let’s look at some misconceptions this generation holds about self-love.

Myth #1: Self-love is all about a bubble bath, yoga class, and skincare.

Self-love is more than just basic self-care. Pedicures, bubble baths, and yoga are frequently just the standards of attractiveness that society has established. And this mindset portrays those with attractive haircuts and nails as lovable, while those with unattractive haircuts and messy hair are loathed.

There is nothing wrong with having ME time and taking care of yourself. I just want you to look beyond these.

Self-love is seeing beyond the picture – our whole self. This sometimes also means being authentic to yourself; being true to who you really are, both the positive and negative sides.

Self-love enables you to be loved and clear about who you are, your inspiration, and how you generate in life.

Myth #2: Self-love makes you feel significant.

Being significant and practicing self-love are two different things. When you are significant, you want everyone to revolve around you, and everything should revolve around you.

On the contrary, you become receptive, confident, and other-focused when you practice self-love. Your relationship with others opens up and you communicate better. It boosts you towards achieving your goals and might even motivate you to participate in additional charitable endeavors.

Myth #3: Self-love is for weak people.

It is not a sign of weakness or that you are "less than" to want a greater and better self in your life. To feel fulfilled, empowered, inspired, and determined to face each day is a desire to practice more self-love.

Are you happy with where you are now?

What stops you from being yourself every day?

With love ❤️

Thida Aung

Feb 28, 2023 (Tuesday)

P.S: If you like this article, share it with people you love. 🌸🥰
Thida Aung

Founder & Head Educator of TDA Life Education. Thida sees relationships as the center of every area in life, from failure to success, from happiness to fulfillment.

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